Forums updated to RC7

[DRuG]NikT (15 Oct 2007 04:24 pm)
After a lot of fiddling to edit changes in syntax adopted by RC7, our custom themes are now working in RC7... this was no small feat... every use of /form had to be preceded with S_FORM_TOKEN, and all uses of username and password had to be updated to their new syntax.

I may have missed something - please - if you see even the slightest error reported from phpBB, private message it to me or pop it on the forums.. it won't be much trouble to fix, so long as we find the errors... some may only appear under a user but not admin logon, so your help would be appreciated.

well I found another error & fixed it - private messages were giving errors relating to invalid forms when you attempted to hit submit... all sorted now.. let me know if you find any by posting in the tech support threads.
[DRuG]NikT (23 Oct 2007 01:10 am)

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