GTAt Server, BYSA = Stirrers & GangsOfGTA SA
[DRuG]NikT (15 May 2004 11:33 pm)
GTAt Server Stopped
BYSA = Stirrers
[DRuG] @ GangsOfGTA San Andreas (link defunct)
The GTAt 0.5d client/server was running for about 10 minutes then crashing, so I have stopped it - I'm sure you'll all agree we're back to waitin' for stable mode.
Sadly, I feel I need to make you all aware of a new clan that seem to be stirring the pot.. BYSA, who seem to have quite a few (deluded) members (they run a no-cheat stunt server - where's the fun in that?!), have been quite rude behind DRuG's back, even on my own server (I have the logs in a window on my machine most of the time). Although I had tolerated this, tonight the negativity escalated with some unfounded rumours shared from [BYSA]Raven, once again, on my server. He has since explained that he respekts da DRuG, and as I requested, will stay outta rumours unless he can reference the people involved. For those interested in the whole Melrose Place saga of he-said/she-said, the logs and subsequent MSN followup can be found here.
The GangsOfGTA - San Andreas Clan List (link defunct) has begun, and DRuG have been added - if you are a DRuG member, please click the above link or this text (link defunct) and sign up to da DRuG - let's be the first clan to populate.
Many of our members have moved about as Vice City has gotten old.. DRuG will be sticking through to San Andreas, and I'll keep you updated on this site. Being the chill clan we are, of course, the doors are always open for new & old.. send me an email for more info.
-=The GangsOfGTA Forums seem to be down as they overhaul for San - Stay tuned for updates!!=-
BYSA = Stirrers
[DRuG] @ GangsOfGTA San Andreas (link defunct)
The GTAt 0.5d client/server was running for about 10 minutes then crashing, so I have stopped it - I'm sure you'll all agree we're back to waitin' for stable mode.
Sadly, I feel I need to make you all aware of a new clan that seem to be stirring the pot.. BYSA, who seem to have quite a few (deluded) members (they run a no-cheat stunt server - where's the fun in that?!), have been quite rude behind DRuG's back, even on my own server (I have the logs in a window on my machine most of the time). Although I had tolerated this, tonight the negativity escalated with some unfounded rumours shared from [BYSA]Raven, once again, on my server. He has since explained that he respekts da DRuG, and as I requested, will stay outta rumours unless he can reference the people involved. For those interested in the whole Melrose Place saga of he-said/she-said, the logs and subsequent MSN followup can be found here.
The GangsOfGTA - San Andreas Clan List (link defunct) has begun, and DRuG have been added - if you are a DRuG member, please click the above link or this text (link defunct) and sign up to da DRuG - let's be the first clan to populate.
Many of our members have moved about as Vice City has gotten old.. DRuG will be sticking through to San Andreas, and I'll keep you updated on this site. Being the chill clan we are, of course, the doors are always open for new & old.. send me an email for more info.
-=The GangsOfGTA Forums seem to be down as they overhaul for San - Stay tuned for updates!!=-