- Customizable command levels
- Join messages (in chat or textdraws)
- Temporary/permenant muting/jailing/freezing
- In-game admin log
- Bans/suspensions for IPs/IP ranges and names (including wildcards)
- Warnings system
- Ping kicker (using averaged values)
- Flood checking for chat/commands/joins and RCON attempts
- Spectate system with free spectate mode and HUD for player information (works despite 0.3's efforts to break spectating)
- Alias system for checking player's previous names/IPs
- Chat history for joining players
- Finds players countries from their IP
- Put the whirlpool plugin in your plugins folder
- Put alar.amx in your filterscripts folder
- Open your server.cfg and put alar first on the filterscripts line, and Whirlpool on the plugins line
- Code: Select all
1.4.4 (2010-05-16)
Fixed: Work around a bug in PVars
1.4.3 (2010-05-08)
Fixed: Incorrectly putting admins in a vehicle when exiting spectate
1.4.2 (2010-05-06)
Added: GetPlayerCountryName() function
Changed: /aalias, /aalias2 and /aalias3 don't need parameters when spectating a player
Changed: /arepair will fix vehicle damage on vehicles with full health
Changed: Increased /acarcolour limits to include all possible colour ids
Changed: Removed /acreate model limits for rc vehicles and the tram
Changed: Use commas for money
Changed: Use native sa-mp camera functions where possible instead of trying to guess where the camera is
Changed: Use PVars for cross script player variables (CountryCode, CountryName, AlarLevel, AlarSpectating, AlarStatus)
Fixed: alar_update filterscript not importing bans/suspensions correctly
Fixed: Better checking for putting players in the right vehicle when leaving spectate/jail
Fixed: Blank lines in the admin log when the string ends with a space
Fixed: OnAdminStateChange having the wrong values for newstate and oldstate when unfreezing or undesyncing a player
Fixed: RC Goblin seat number
1.4.1 (2010-03-15)
Fixed: /ainfo displaying "Weapons:" even if the player has none
Fixed: /awarnings not displaying correctly when no admin is stored
Fixed: Some incorrect vehicle seat numbers
1.4 (2010-01-11)
Added: 3D texts showing the vehicle IDs of alar created vehicles when the /adestroy command is used
Added: Check for invalid paintjobs
Added: Check for too many RCON login attempts
Added: Functions to get a player's/IP's country code/name
Added: Idle players to /apaused
Added: Option to hide admin names when banning/suspending from a filterscript/gamemode
Added: Parameter (command) to /ahelp, to show help about a command
Added: Parameters "visible" and "current" to the /adestroy command, as well as the ability to delete multiple vehicles at a time "/adestroy 2,3,20-25,8"
Added: RCON admins are effectively alar admins (of level RCONLevel)
Added: Sounds to aslap and apunch
Added: StoreAliases setting
Added: Support for NPCs (aliases are not saved, cannot be muted/jailed/frozen/desynced/banned/suspended/ejected/brought/dropped/cause a join flood)
Added: Warnings system (Commands: /awarn, /aunwarn, /awarnings Settings: WarnLimit, WarnProtection, WarnSuspendTime, WarnTimeout, WarnLevel, UnwarnLevel Functions: WarnPlayer, WarnPlayerid)
Added: When spectating, double click a player from the list to spectate them
Added: Wildcard support to /akick (WildKickLevel setting)
Changed: /aban and /asuspend only ban/suspend the player's IP unless a public function (set with SetAlarLoginCheck) returns true
Changed: /aip and /ainfo default the the player being spectated if no player is entered
Changed: Accounts created by RCON admins are made to be level RCONLoginLevel
Changed: All information now stored in a SQL database
Changed: Commands are processed using a modified zcmd rather than a hardcoded binary tree
Changed: Exiting spectate mode will put you back in your vehicle and restore your last weapon
Changed: For commands that take [player name] as a parameter, the name can be enclosed in quotes
Changed: Going to and bring players will put themAnonymous in their vehicle/trailer
Changed: Includes for compiling alar are now in the alar.pwn directory rather than the compiler includes folder
Changed: Log keys now enabled by default
Changed: Repairing a vehicle to full health fixes model damage
Changed: Temporary mutes/jails/freezes are saved
Changed: The options $(DATE) and $(TIME) for ban messages have been replaced with $(DATETIME), which is in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
Changed: Use Whirlpool instead of MD5 for hashes (requires Whirlpool plugin, version 1.0 included)
Removed: Length limit for reasons (ban/mute etc)
Removed: Option to show personal messages to admins
Removed: Vehicle model limit check
1.3.1 (2009-10-09)
Fixed: Adminchat prefixes not showing correctly in /ahelp
Fixed: Banshee missing from allowed mod list
Fixed: Displaying the wrong name for failed /aloginas attempts
Fixed: Level check for /abancheck
Fixed: PlayerSpectateVehicle bug in alar.inc
Fixed: Some timers were not being reset properly when using alar.inc functions
Fixed: Suspending a name with a wildcard only kicked the first player
1.3 (2009-08-08)
Added: /acarcolour command
Added: /aipupdate command
Added: /aspectating command
Added: Additonal RCON commands
Added: Chat history for joining players (/ahistory)
Added: Enabled going to a player from spec using the look behind key (requires agoto privlages)
Added: OnAlarInit() and OnAlarExit() callbacks, and GetAlarVersion() function
Added: Option to check for invalid vehicle mods (CHECKMODS compile setting)
Added: Option to enable extra spectate views (ExtraSpecViews setting)
Added: Parameter (amount) to /arepair, requires player parameter to be entered
Added: Players in the server who are immune to the ping kicker can be viewed with the /aimmune command
Added: Spectate HUD setting is saved
Added: SuspendPlayer() and BanPlayer() functions
Added: Whitelist from range bans (/awhitelist /aunwhitelist)
Changed: /asetname and /aloginas so banned or suspended names cannot be used
Changed: How admins spawn from spec (added SetSpawnType() function) and how jailed players spawn
Changed: Locahost and LAN IP address no longer show as Unknown
Changed: Players with the same IP as a player banned or suspended with /aban or /asuspend are kicked from the server (KickAllIPs setting)
Changed: Ranges bans/suspensions can have a different message (RangeBanMsg/RangeSuspensionMsg settings)
Changed: Spectating admins will view the closest player in their virtual world if their current player dies (with no killer) or leaves
Changed: The ping kicker can now be disabled by setting the max ping to 0 or less
Fixed: Added password length check to RCON account creation
Fixed: Join textdraws not appearing for joining players
Fixed: Restricted spawning where you look in free spec to only admins who can right click teleport
Fixed: Set virtual world and interior of passengers when using /agoto and /abring
Fixed: Various minor bugs
1.2 (2009-05-14)
Added: "Admins Spectating" to /asinfo
Added: "paused" to spec hud
Added: /alog command to toggle whether admin log keys enabled, and to change the log page
Added: Log message when a permanently muted/jailed/frozen player joins
Added: Multiple adminchat prefixes now possible using | as a seperator eg) "@|#|//"
Changed: Using /aflip now puts out the fires on vehicles
Fixed: Background alpha in admin logs, also changed so using 0 as the colour uses the default colour
Fixed: Newline in reason when unsuspending/unbanning
Fixed: Random bug where ban/suspend messages didn't show with some gamemodes using YSF
Fixed: The spectate HUD so it updates when /asetname is used
1.1 (2009-05-04)
Added: Parameter [player] to /asuspendip
Added: Warning when /aservername will truncate in the sa-mp browser
Changed: More rigorous file opening checks for /alistmodes
Changed: Some vehicle names to match those in the gxt file and remove duplicates
Fixed: /ainterior and /aworld work on admins in free spec
Fixed: Textdraws being destroyed when /achangemode is used with an incorrect mode name
1.0 (2009-04-17)
Initial version