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03 Apr 2006 07:18 pm = MTA map pack by Grish and SA-MP beta tests conclude.
It's been an eventful few weeks, with lots of activity in DRuG since our last post.

First of all, welcome to our newest member, [DRuG]Gneralas. Gneralas is an accomplished mapmaker in the MTA race scene and also Grish's brother.. one of several family teams in DRuG, it'll be great to have them working together with us - DRuG it up guys!

Grish has released a map pack for MTA, including his popular new drift maps, they also feature some amusing tracks I categorize as "bomb not map" which prove for fast laughs and multiplayer surprises.

Destroying the karts as they race proves trickier than you would expectDrifting in the sand lends some interesting handling attributesAs a plane enthusiast, I love Grishs air racesDOWNLOAD NOW:

Map Pack by [DRuG]Grish

SA-MP public beta testing was carried out over the weekend, with results proving very positive. Free-roam multiplayer action has never looked so smooth, with synch of many things we've come not to expect from MTA, with SA-MP, one has to deal with flat tyres, car jacking and earning enough money to build a weapon stockpile. Judging from it's current stability and thorough development, expect a release very shortly with the first version being more complete and stable than other initial releases we've seen over time.
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DRuG.Elite 03 Apr 2006 07:26 pm
GG to grishes bro and im pissed that i missed out on the beta... banana banana
[DRuG]Zidane 03 Apr 2006 07:26 pm
insert comment that makes me look like i care here.
[DRuG]Grish 03 Apr 2006 07:56 pm
Hey thanks for having me onboard guys.
Also what I've seen of SA-MP so far it is looking really good. Looking forward to it's final release.
Gneralas 04 Apr 2006 11:45 pm
Monkeys are good wink
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