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Logging On And Shutting Down

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Logging On

The first time you boot Linux, you'll be greeted with the following:

localhost login: _

Linux is waiting for you to log-on. Each user has a username - allocated by the user 'root' (often called the Super-user). However, until 'root' has created more users, the only username available to you - for logging in with - is 'root'.

localhost login: root
Password: _

Now enter root's password (which you allocated during installation). That's it, hey presto, you're in!


To log out a user, enter either 'logout' or 'exit'. If Linux ever reports that: 'There are stopped jobs.', simply enter 'logout' or 'exit' again.

Shutting Down

The quickest way to shutdown Linux is to press <Ctrl>+<AltGr>+<Delete> (Referred to as The Vulcan Death Grip).

By Laurence Hunter laurence@thebits.co.uk

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