A lot of cars stored for ocean export in USA ship on it's side at dock Ghostships - think about this one Downtown Kabul - these images appeared and disappeared over the time of US involvement in the area Downtown Kabul 2 - these images appeared and disappeared over the time of US involvement in the area Market in da UK Lyndhurst - location of Outback Eclipse Festival Lyndhurst 2 - location of Outback Eclipse Festival Statue of Liberty Tucson Arizona Airforce Boneyard Tucson Arizona - these planes have mostly been decomissioned due to pollutants/expense if they were kept in the air Tucson Arizona - these planes have mostly been decomissioned due to pollutants/expense if they were kept in the air Tucson Arizona - these planes have mostly been decomissioned due to pollutants/expense if they were kept in the air Tucson Arizona - these planes have mostly been decomissioned due to pollutants/expense if they were kept in the air Tucson Arizona - these planes have mostly been decomissioned due to pollutants/expense if they were kept in the air Tucson Arizona - And these are the ones they keep in commission 8) And u think u have a shit job... nice water formations waterslide park the edge of central park Beijing intersection Beijing Crop Stylee Virginia Ship Boneyard Bound for UK The Tower of Babel, and the ones Saddam erected at geometricly opposing points?! Now I know I'm lookin for love in all the wrong places, but surely that cant hurt Damn thats big - glad we saved the Franklin - they found remains 10,000 years old there! I love foldup wingz Bird of prey?! NO - these ones are painted on! Real blakwingz - for display purposes only 8) Skiing in Mass. - We can arrange that!

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