New forum theme options added - ProSilver Grey & Dark

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New forum theme options added - ProSilver Grey & Dark

Postby [DRuG]NikT on Tue Nov 06, 2007 11:26 pm

I've added a couple of new themes as a test to see if I could adapt a prosilver-RC5 based style to include our mods easily within RC7.. and I can!

I've also added borders around the RSS aggregator and other board elements in the prosilver series of themes, as well as properly ordered the area selector in the top margin.

In the board preferences section of the user control panel, you will now be able to select "prosilverGrey" and my new favourite, ProDark - both complete with phpBB-styled DRuG logo.

"But my head's all messed up, so you better driive brother"
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