Breaking my previous personal policy to not join other clans, this year I have become a member of both Aussie Game Server and Deathrow.. both clans are run by DRuG members and as such, I felt it good I endorse their great contributions to the Australian GTA scene with my membership.
DRuG's elevated participation in the samp scene this year saw us forge friendships with the huge clan community it has provided. With the introduction of us compiling MTA's nightly builds and hosting associated servers for both DRuG and AGS, we have been at the centre of MTADM game hosting in Australia leading up to the long awaited release of MTADM 1.0. With it's release, DRuG's resources were called upon by SanZor to set up his servers in Finland, the CJA and AGS servers in Australia, with a great deal of help provided to many over MSN, it's been great to be seen by the scene as someone to call upon.
With regards to the forums of Australia's 2 forefront communities, AGS and CJA, DRuG has provided help this year upgrading and moving databases, installing forum mods and configuring linux and windows game, ftp, web and other assorted servers.. these contributions are an honour for DRuG to be a part of - it's great to contribute to such a diverse community.
The GTA San Andreas online gaming scene now has the choice of SA-MP & MTA DM 1.0 (for both race and deathmatch) - MTA Race 1.1.x seems to be empty these days, with gamepad support in 1.0, even racing is popular there now.
We have members representing on every front, including so many disciplines now, it would take me an hour just to sit here and list them, so I'm just going to skim over this area, but damn we've grown to become such a skilled bunch - thanks to all of you.
With most DRuG members still very active, many, it should be noted, are primarily on MSN - the crew is as tight as ever - you may have noticed I've been spending more time on Teamspeak @, it should be noted that DRuG exist on many private Teamspeak and game servers as well.. this is really just the tip of the iceberg.
DRuG and an assortment of other clans have made this a regular site they visit, and for that, on behalf of
DRuG, I thank you all.
On the front of modding I've started dabbling in lua and released an advancement of the colorlights mod by eXo|Speedy to incorporate better thread management and allow setting of the vehicles colour. Dabombber has released his advanced SAMP server management script, ALAR. Killfrenzy's FDM SAMP game mode scripts have grown and grown, with his nightly tweaking of them on AGS's SAMP server - so popular is this script that an entire community has assembled itself around them. There's so many more things going on, it's really hard to summarize - suffice to say, DRuG is still out there, doing what it does best - making GTA awesome.
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