Moar [CtP] Group Pls

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Moar [CtP] Group Pls

Postby Hitman on Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:58 am

It's me, Hitman.
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Re: Moar [CtP] Group Pls

Postby [DRuG]NikT on Mon Mar 09, 2009 3:02 pm


Happy to add your info to the site - but could you please give be some info on what CtP stand for, a little info about the clan etc, so I can add it to our affiliates etc.

At this stage you've been added to affiliates & I'm about to add you to the group legend, but I still really haven't populated the fields with adequate info.

Greetings & Welcome.

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Re: Moar [CtP] Group Pls

Postby [DRuG]Silky on Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:14 pm

hey guys welcome

i would like sucram to post all about CtP as he has in the cja + CtP forums
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Re: Moar [CtP] Group Pls

Postby Hitman on Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:18 pm

Here is the official CtP clan site. CtP stands for Cotton Teeth Project. Sucram (the clan leader) reckons he saw an album called "Cotton Teeth" a couple of years ago when creating the clan, and said it was "nothing special, [he] just liked the name", and added "Project" on the end of it. It's been up for over two years, originally being created under the tags [LVM] (Las Venturas Mafia). LVM phailed, and was later recreated as [CtP].

The following is [CtP]sucram's little tale about the clan.

[CtP]sucram wrote:So i graduated HS in 2006, had what i thought was going to be my final, and biggest holiday break ever (boy was i wrong.) So then i started uni in 2007. Between classes me and my best buddy would sometimes go to the mac room and goof around on the net. We eventually found the uni file sharing network, which was all up easily 500+ terabytes of data. I didn't browse through the music much, but it had every single movie, every episode of every season of every tv show you could think of. Every game, every e-book, all kinds of software and lots of other goodies.

I'm estimating that on like February 20th or so i browsed the game section and found San Andreas. There was also something called sa-mp in the folder which i was p curious about, after googling it and finding out basically, online San Andreas free roam i was v excited. For what its worth, i could transfer a gig to a usb stick or something in about 5 seconds, boy was it cool. The network was shut down eventually due to the increasing demand for pornography lul.

So i get home, install and shit. Play on a few international servers with lots of people before eventually sorting by ping and finding the word Australia, in PTGN Australia. For anyone who remembers, my little brother was playing with me the first few days under the name Scrotem. These were fun times, DBLORD reigned supreme, Motel wars were the shit and Neo_Chesh seemed like an integral part of the community. This was the first game i had really played any gameonline, thus discovering what a clan was. I wanted to get in on it and within 2 or 3 days of playing i created LVM: Las Venturas Mafia. I wanted to create like a full on mafia and shit haha.

What i find interesting about this is we see every now and then some nobodies on CJA decide to start a clan after playing for 2 or 3 days also, but nobody gives them a chance and they are more often than not considered to be some noob clan. We were too, most of you know how much shit we got from trolls while starting haha. But ya, LVM was turning kinda shitty with people leaving, joining, leaving, joining. Plus the whole Isabella shit was going on, which now looking back on was really nothing, well atleast if it took place on the CJA of today. I knew the B-Boyz were pissed, and i could forsee them doing something silly in a departing k0 kinda way.

That night, i had already started work on this forum. I needed a new clan name, so i opened itunes and just browsed through artist/album names for something unique. There was a band called The Snake The Cross the Town, with an album called Cotton Teeth. Nothing special, just some modern day indie band i had hardly even heard, just liked the name. In restrospect, i have hundreds of other ideas.. If i knew how long this would of lasted and how household our clan name became, i would of selected something else most likely. None the less, the name has remained and i love it... who knows what it even really means haha.

As expected, the next evening BJ, one of my first members and pretty much co-leader of LVM, wreaked havoc apon the site. Deleting posts, banning me, and replacing the banner with some gay porn or something. I told everyone i had quit LVM firstly, which i imagine started a little worry. I remember SH33R and Stevie in particular were v annoyed, and said they were staying with LVM haha. That was until i told everyone the plan with CtP, it wasn't just some new clan. It was essentially the same clan, better site, more appropriate name, and most importantly it was Bruz and BJ less. We basically just needed a fresh start after a lot of shitty controversy.

Since CtP we have added many new members who have helped shape the face of the clan today. We sit with a member total of close to 20, which is pretty good considering our activity kinda fluctuates. It's good to see it's not all about samp, with some other games and shit. If samp were to die, i'm sure our forum would still live on.

Welp, quite a read there.. i got a little carried away haha. Thanks for reading folks.

Merry two year anniversary cee tee pee!

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Re: Moar [CtP] Group Pls

Postby Dazza on Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:06 pm

Wow alot of info about the clan there
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Re: Moar [CtP] Group Pls

Postby [DRuG]Grish on Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:49 pm

I vote that Sucram has awesome taste in music!

Hey Hitman.
We should go on more samp roadtrips soon :)

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Re: Moar [CtP] Group Pls

Postby Hitman on Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:06 am

Maybe if you were online moar I would, faggot. :(
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