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My Hello Message

Postby MickyP[MW] on Sun Aug 12, 2007 10:05 am

It’s been a long time since I last saw any of you and about time I said hello and reacquainted myself.

Looking at the member list there are quite a few members that I don't know and also will not know me.

For those that remember the Mutant City Mod Server should hopefully remember me from there (I dread to think how many hours I spent on there).

I remember it was always interesting trying to work out what NikT was doing and then getting his latest mod to test out. It was sometimes a good job that most of us used CZ3’s mod’s.

I was hoping to get back into MTA but I could do with some help in what to download as I’m not sure what MTA client yourselves are using at the moment.

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Re: My Hello Message

Postby [DRuG]NikT on Sun Aug 12, 2007 12:25 pm

Big shout outs to the MW crew... great to see u guys here.. I was hoping we'd hear from other clans in here..

Have you guys got any forums? Would you like some areas on ours that your peepz can call their own?

For those that don't know MW, they're an awesome crew of multiplayer modders from the northern hemisphere.. DRuG have enjoyed many nights stunting it up with these guys back in the Vice mta 0.3 days. I consider us allied clans.

Since MTA have allowed servers to be flagged as modding supported now, we stopped unprotecting the client as of 0.4.

I'd suggest just getting the latest client.

DRuG have 2 SA multiplayer servers - 1 x mta race (with scripts and stats), 1 x SAMP (with voting and race mode converted for mta maps), and admin on a busy US server, home to ALW clan, which can be located via their clan home,, or via quick connect in mta to

Hope to see you online soon!

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Re: My Hello Message

Postby MickyP[MW] on Sun Aug 19, 2007 10:05 am

Forums are here but are very dead at the minute

I got MTA working so I'll keep an eye out for you guys still on a clean install for now :lol:

I think you know how modded my copy of VC was (backed up of course)


I Can join your race server but being the other side of the world my ping is like 400 so it kicks me for having a minor high ping :(
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Re: My Hello Message

Postby [DRuG]Grish on Sun Aug 19, 2007 12:20 pm

NikT, Is it possable to allow certian IPs through to bypass the ping checker in the MTA script we have?
I know the admin script we have running on the samp server can do it.

Hi MickyP, I havent met you yet. I only joined DRuG at the begining of the MTASA days. I missed out on all the fun of the DRuG dome in VC :(
I am looking forward to seeing it imported into one of the SA mod though :)

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