Flock 1.1.1 black browser theme & 1.1.4 upgrade tips

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Flock 1.1.1 black browser theme & 1.1.4 upgrade tips

Postby [DRuG]NikT on Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:55 pm

With the move to 1.1.1, some fundamental interface design changes have left all old themes broken.

As a result, i have built a new custom (black) theme to suit Flock 1.1.1's style of theming.


Black Dublin
The default 1.1.1 Flock theme, modified to black by NikT.
(2.93 MiB) Downloaded 2601 times


1. Unzip the jar file to somewhere you can drag/drop from
2. In Flock, select tools,Add-ons
3. Drag the .jar file into the list of themes
4. Press the "use theme" button
5. Press the "restart Flock" button
6. Did I mention? Enjoy 8)

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Re: Flock 1.1.1 black browser theme

Postby [DRuG]KillFrenzy on Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:06 am

Looks awesome!!

But it's hard to move away from Firefox cause it's so customised to my likings... unless I can mod it to work with Firefox ;)
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Flock 1.1.1 Portable - works with my theme

Postby [DRuG]NikT on Thu Jun 26, 2008 12:26 pm

For anyone interested in using this theme, you've probably noticed some fundamental changes in the current build prevent the use of 1.1.1 themes.

One option if you still want to run them is to use Flock portable 1.1.1, which I have attached for our convenience.

You don't need to install it, just copy to 'my documents' and run from there... works great off a memory schtick, too.

Flock 1.1.1 Portable.zip
Flock 1.1.1 portable - freestanding executable, no installation required.
(13.21 MiB) Downloaded 2258 times

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Re: Flock 1.1.1 black browser theme

Postby [DRuG]KillFrenzy on Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:04 pm

I assume it was the move from the Firefox 2 engine to the Firefox 3 engine. I'm sure you'd be able to update your theme for the new Flock :P
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Re: Flock 1.1.1 black browser theme

Postby [DRuG]NikT on Thu Jun 26, 2008 7:20 pm

I assume it was the move from the Firefox 2 engine to the Firefox 3 engine. I'm sure you'd be able to update your theme for the new Flock

If only it were that simple... unfortunately the reason for the continual changes is to follow those made by the facebook & other site's teams - because Flock integrates totally with a lot of sites like facebook, they are currently making a lot of interface changes to suit these systems over time. When they have reached a more stable point as far as the interface goes, they will release another interface SDK.. until then, we're stuck with the 1.1.1 theme.

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Re: Flock 1.1.1 black browser theme & 1.1.4 upgrade tips

Postby [DRuG]NikT on Sun Jun 29, 2008 12:09 pm

Having updated my 1.1.1 portable to 1.1.4, I am now able to stay logged into Facebook with the built in FB integration that Flock offers (1.1.1, of course, doesn't stay logged in, since facebook has changed a bit since it's release).

I would upload my portable install with my theme installed and the 1.1.4 update, but I have cross tested this by running it on another machine, and it just reverts to 1.1.1, so I suspect the mods are being stored elsewhere on the machine.

However, if you grab the 1.1.1 portable, install my theme, then (and not before then), from the help menu, trigger the "check for updates" option and update to 1.1.4... this is the only reliable method I have found so far to get my theme working on a version of flock that will stay logged in to facebook.

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