MTA:DM Maps debugged & all online

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Re: MTA:DM Maps debugged & all online

Postby [DRuG]Dabombber on Sun Feb 24, 2008 6:08 pm

Thats not too helpful :roll:, could you search the logs for the errors you got when loading one of the currently removed maps?
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Re: MTA:DM Maps debugged & all online

Postby [DRuG]NikT on Sun Feb 24, 2008 6:54 pm

Nah I am not debugging maps until we've passed out of dev preview - too many of them were displayed even with the default maps and config, both windows and linux - I am not debugging the MTA team's beta crap.

I mean, don't get me wrong, when stable is released, things are documented a little better etc., errors are more consistent (due to the engine & modes themselves being better developed), I'm happy to try and make the modes and maps error free, but, given it's developer preview 2 (their second compile/release), I would suggest a mission such as this one would be premature at this stage.

Feel free to do it yourself if you like, on your own server - I can send you the maps if you like.. but I aint going down that road myself just yet.

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Re: MTA:DM Maps debugged & all online

Postby [DRuG]Dabombber on Sun Feb 24, 2008 7:06 pm

I completely agree, I'm not going to spend time fixing something when the creator can and will (eventually) do it better. The thing is, the maps do work for me. I'm curious about whether this is because of the small change to race_server.lua, some acl setting, or race is just a temperamental bitch.

EDIT: OK I think I've found out what the problem is. Race seems to have different 'modes', and if a map doesn't match one of these modes then it wont load.

  • Destruction derby
    No checkpoints, no respawn
  • Freeroam
    No checkpoints, respawn mode is timelimit
  • Sprint
    Checkpoints, respawn mode is timelimit

EDITEDIT: I added a mode for races with checkpoints and no respawn, the only changed files are meta.xml and a new file oldschool.lua, but I'll put the whole thing here. Maybe I lied a little about fixing it but I want it to work :)
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