... =price-asc
508/8 Lygon Street, Brunswick East, Vic 3057
Has 5th flr balcony overlooking city. $430/w
Clicked inspect response: may run a mid week open.

702/304 - 310 Lygon Street, Brunswick East, Vic 3057
Good balcony with view - not sure what floor. $380/w
Have emailed to inspect. 19/2

1302/176 Edward Street, Brunswick East, Vic 3057
Good Balcony near lygon, cheap but doesn't look it! $355/w
LEASED Clicked inspect

LG05/627 Victoria Street, Abbotsford, Vic 3067
Good Balcony Not sure what floor $450/w
LEASED Clicked inspect and asked what floor

120/11 FLOCKHART STREET, Abbotsford, Vic 3067
Good Balcony Not sure what floor $420/w
Clicked inspect - response: finalising inspections and we will contact you as soon

E 308/11 Flockhart Street, Abbotsford, Vic 3067
Good Balcony slightly bigger Not sure what floor $450/w
Clicked inspect

407/495 Rathdowne Street, Carlton, Vic 3053
Balcony but not close to tram, bus might work, close to city. $450/w
208/600 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy North, Vic 3068
This is at end of my street avail 22 Mar $450/w
231/4 Bik Lane, Fitzroy North, Vic 3068
Just around corner but no inspection?! small balcony avail 15 Mar $380/w
405/200 Lygon Street, Brunswick East, Vic 3057
Good balcony but it says furnished - have asked what furniture. $420/w
395B St. Georges Road, Fitzroy North, Vic 3068
Back of La Sera Pizza, says it has courtyard, wanna see but this place is pretty old n icky. $400/w
LEASED Clicked inspect to see courtyard.