This is an untitled story I wrote randomly at about 12 o'clock last night, I've no idea where the inspiration came from, I literally just started writing....It's not very good but I though meh, may as well share it.
It's untitled by the way.
Once upon a time in a world not too dissimilar to our own existed a mysterious lifeform called "Giver di vita" or "Life giver". This life form itself was very unremarkable on it's own but what made it so different to any other was its incredible ability to give life to otherwise lifeless objects, but in doing so it sacrifices it's own. This process was however complicated, life could only be passed on by coming into direct contact to the object that the life giver loves the most of all things.
Over the millions of years that these species had existed their numbers slowly fell, it seemed too many were passing on their life to lifeless objects and thus not reproducing.
The case became so extreme that there now remains only 3 Life givers. Danvitei, Traliamaq and Wisperha. Danvitei and Traliamaq had developed a fierce rivalry over the years, Wisperha at the centre of their arguments. Wisperha was the only female Life Giver left in existence, this left her as the undisputed most beautiful Life Giver in the universe, but even if their were millions it would be uncontended, both Danvitei and Traliamaq were madly in love with her.
Wisperha became good friends with both of them, but eventually Danvitei won out and obtained the key to Wisperha's heart. This drove Traliamaq mad with jealousy, and like the wind he faded away. This worrie Wisperha greatly, she often though about Traliamaq and where he might be, but she was happy, and as the months flew buy her thoughts of Traliamaq faded.
One day Wisperha and Danvitei were taking a romantic holiday to a tropical island where the two of them had planned to for the first time rekindle their love and the worlds population.
However as the two of them were strolling through the dense forest they stumbled upon a dark figure lying on the forest floor.
Upon further investigation and to Wisperha's horror they discovered the figure was infact Traliamaq, stone cold dead, eyes rolled into the back of his head. Wisperha's screamed in grief and leapt forward towards the body, upon contact with Traliamaq Wisperha became ram rod stiff and a white wind emenated from her body before she too collapsed dead on the forest floor. The white wind that emenated from Wisperha's body seemed to collect in the sky before jetting down towards the lifeless body of Traliamaq. As it entered his body he drew a great inward breath before again laying still, unconcious but clearly alive.
It took Danvitei several seconds to realise what had happened, and longer still to realise the significance of it.
Danvitei fell to his knees, a surge of emotions running through his body, Anger, Grief, Jealousy and Sadness blasting his brain and corrupting his senses, he lay on the forest floor for hours, weeping. Suddenly a gust of wind blew through, scattering the leaves and soothing Danvitei's emotions, A moment of clarity overcame his body, he could see all that was and all that could be, but this in turn lay an important decision upon him.
Danvitei paused for just a minute before standing and approaching the body of Traliamaq, his breathing becoming more obvious the closer he came. Danvitei stooped over his body for several seconds, a strange expression on his face. He then slowly bent and picked up a large piece of bark from the forest floor, and etched into it the words, "Una vita si conclude e un amore si sbiad in modo da la nuova vita può cominciare ed il nuovo amore può essere trovato" Which roughly translates to "A life ends and a love fades so new life can begin and new love can be found."
He then places this peice of bark in the hands of Wisperha, and as he closes her hands around it he feels the life leave his body and a bliss engulf him.
Random I know but meh.