by [DRuG]NikT on Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:23 pm
NikT musta had that dungeon of a computer room up to about 40 degrees... and the PCs were red hot.
"Don't ruin it!" sounded the speaker from NikT's PC again... He had the screen covered with the word gooch, over & over - huge letters in notepad - they were reflecting all over the walls... and my face.
I wiped the sweat off my brow... man it was hot in here.
"Don't MANN YOU'RE WRECKING IT!" - again from the speakers... he must be on teamspeak, I thought..
"Paste it everywhere - in every direction" - that time the speakers sounded just like Widget, I thought.. were they spamming or making art?
I was feeling very disorientated - was that water pipe affecting me? The explosive ooze? My mind was in a whirl, things were making sense one minute, then taking new shapes the next...
"But my head's all messed up, so you better driive brother"