The VHS Video recorder has been pwnt.. for $69

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The VHS Video recorder has been pwnt.. for $69

Postby [DRuG]NikT on Mon Oct 29, 2007 11:47 pm

For anyone interested, a 20Gb seagate, which had gone marginal.. is now in use in my new digital tv tuner with IDE connector, so you can turn it into a TV-HDD recorder... works brilliantly so far.. $70 at strathfield car radio.... barrrgain. 14 hours recording on a crappy marginal that's working fine in it, and then I can wipe it or get a bigger drive at my leisure.
is a link to the thread of people trying to find stores that still have them...

This is the one, in the top right for $69.

If you haven't tried digital TV, I think it's in all the capital cities... it's free, uses your existing antenna, all you need is the new tuner (in this box) and you get crystal clear tv and extra channels like ABC2 (a second abc with better programs).... Hiiighly recommended.. NZ'ers, let me know if u know of anything similar there, or planned.

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Re: The VHS Video recorder has been pwnt.. for $69

Postby [SiK]Demiveil on Tue Oct 30, 2007 5:37 am

We do have a similar thing, called Freeview, works on the same principle as that, gives us a crystal clear 5 existing channels plus one freeview only channel.

Hasn't really taken hold yet and they are planning plenty more channels.
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