Grish - if you liked Baraka, you have merely hit the tip of a very cool iceberg.... and I don't just mean it's temperature.... GOTSTA check out the films listed on this site....
What is unique about Baraka is the type of camera/lens used. It is a patented design, which is not allowed to be reproduced.. only few of these lenses/cameras exist, with the inventor strictly controlling their use/posession. The lens allows an image to maintain focus across a huge depth - meaning, the near and the far imagery is all in focus at once. This makes for incredible imagery, as well as the ability to depict scenes that would normally be a no go zone for photography, due to focussing issues.
The risk with a lens like this, is if it were adapted for use by the military. As such, it's manufacturer is very careful in ensuring it's ethical application/use.
While Baraka is arguably the best of the series, I found all of them equally mindblowing... only issue with some, like the one with the Hopi Prophecy chants as a soundtrack, is that the sound can get annoying... I recommend watching with the volume down and a nice CD on.
Much respekt for an awesome recommendation.
And Widgit - Hedwig - WELL worth the update... funny movie.