I ain't afraid to admit I need HALP

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I ain't afraid to admit I need HALP

Postby [DRuG]Mortal on Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:16 am

Alright, to it then.

I've spent the better part of the last two years learning to make links = $, basically. Nothing slimy, not spammy. Just learning to be an affiliate and how to market things, then translating it to the web.

I've been having little spurts in successes but nothing long term and nothing enough to call it my profession yet. The problem I face is that I know only a tiny bit of PHP Look here, you can see it was all wip and just a test and I was playing around (the root is gone, it was replaced with wordpress, then something happened, and I haven't talked to n3wt in agesss) but it's a page lol: http://dertyjerzian.gtajunkies.com/test/index.php

anyway, if you look at the code, since the browser renders it all as one, you can see I just know some simple even-if current HTML stuff. The page itself is really just the menu and the header, with the content in the right hand side being just an include of the home page external file. That's about all I know.

Ever heard of an aStore? they are ugly as hell. Here is the best looking one I have ever seen, and for the most part, they are just not very customizable. http://astore.amazon.com/allnarfedup-20

That guy made a nice little niche'd out store, only a few products, etc. It's about as good as it gets, and I'm sure none of us would shop there.

But - the store IS dynamically feeding the best deals on keywords he's chosen for products directly from amazon. And you can set them up to display full categories.

I'd like to niche out a few of these using small subcategories and provide it along with a little blog about whatever is on the front page that day.

It'd be a store, but with another category called Blog. lol. And once a day, I'll write about a product and put it on there. I need help to set this up, and it would take some time to make some money, but once it did, it would roll in. It would become my career. I'd offer information on products and do this in many areas. But how do I do it?

Amazon also has feeds. I just don't know how to utilize much of this for the web, and it is very important that either I learn or part time partner with someone who knows that side of it. It really is a two man job, even after it's all set up if the idea sounds fun and exciting to anyone. I know NikT could do it, but I don't know how busy you are dude so it's probably better I drop it out here, and it's hella mega latish-early over there, so I don't want to blast your msn.

I've got legit million dollar ideas (these things take time) but the more I learn, the more eggs I lay, I'm still unable to hatch them because I can't take what I know in marketing and web traffic and then blend it with what I know about actually building the sites. How it looks is one thing, we all know some html and styles, but I don't know how to take it any further than that, and for this store+sideblog idea to work, it really needs to be dynamic.

I'm up for pretty much anything, actually. If anyone ever sat back and said "man, I know all this stuff, I wonder how I could turn it into profit and get millions of visitors, etc" feel free to reach out, because we should mingle.
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Re: I ain't afraid to admit I need HALP

Postby [DRuG]Mortal on Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:16 pm

Seriously? No one?
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Re: I ain't afraid to admit I need HALP

Postby [SiK]DemonSeed on Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:30 pm

I guess were not as smart as you man :P
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Re: I ain't afraid to admit I need HALP

Postby [DRuG]NikT on Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:29 pm

I've given this "make money outta the net" concept a lotta time and idea space.. but I have to say, I've come to a negative conclusion on it - for now. Since I've spent a lot of time thinking about it, I have a lotta thoughts that are hard to reduce to something that won't take 20 paragraphs, so here's the "Readers Digest Version"...

The way I see it, unless you're a Cambridge graduate or some other extremely qualified person, 90% of your job prospects still come from the physical you -- ie. how close you are to where you will physically work, and stuff like if you're presentable etc. 10% of what you actually do, then, only advances on this 90%, perhaps, if you become a Cambridge Graduate or some other extremely qualified person.

What I'm talking about here is what gets you money now.. businesses make money long term, while physical (in person) work tends to raise it a lot more immediately. Making money over the net, to me, is inevitably a business, so not a quick money maker. Personally, I don't consider it one with a market worth competing in.. unless you have some sort of extreme qualification etc to offer a unique service that can't be undercut.

To me, where the net fits into the money making pie is a new piece of apple that's just been added to the top of the classical business pie... to think it is the pie right now is taking the angle of an enthusiastic computer specialist... all we offer is an infrastructure through which a modern business person can convey their product to their market.. depending how high tech the product, this delivery can be simplified, but ultimately... these are the areas that the now very hungry net based business world would have devoured quite thoroughly... what I'm saying here is that if you don't have some sort of totally unique and new idea or extreme qualification on offer, the market is so competitive it's hardly worth entering.

Not sure if that makes sense to you, but it's my reason for not being interested in trying to squeeze money outta the net.. in time, if I feel I have a product worthy of marketing, I may put time into using it, however, as a method of conveying my product to market.

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Re: I ain't afraid to admit I need HALP

Postby [DRuG]Mortal on Wed May 06, 2009 1:57 pm

Yea, I'm a little late responding, but that is indeed a common idea about it.

See, working online is work, but you're your own boss. I know how to make it happen, and it's no different from working for a company in their marketing department, I just can't get the coding down. Messes me up big time. I'm about to start messing with wordpress more, I guess, and I'll see where that takes me, but when it comes to really making money, as in truly being employed online, it only takes one person who knows their web back end, and one person who knows the front end and marketing, both can benefit from web design/visual html knowledge, of course.

I need coders, that's all I need, and I'll produce results. My whole mind state has further evolved since I posted as well, and new ideas are better ideas, etc. If I can find some people who are passionate about the web and php, I know within 2 weeks I can produce results - even if it's just a MUD to prove some concepts - if you know coders, especially hungry ones, let me know.

There is no such thing as "making money online". There is, but it is rare, but working... working brings money, and working in the things you love bring abundance. I'm not into marketing, schemes, pyramids, any of that. I've got a whole bunch of stuff on my mind and it's not a one man thing, but none of it is some big ordeal either. Traffic = money no matter how you cut your page, though.

I need coders or a coder buddy who will help me set up the things I need, cause really, this is the best video game I have EVAR PLAID!
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Re: I ain't afraid to admit I need HALP

Postby flongdong on Sat May 09, 2009 12:18 pm

i would help, but i don't know any php... sounds like a good plan. even if i wouldn't make anything, i waste a lot of time as it is, so no loss, eh?
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