GAMING SCREENIES: Picture post & commentary

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GAMING SCREENIES: Picture post & commentary

Postby [DRuG]NikT on Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:45 pm

After some consideration of the gallery, it occurred to me it's much like someone handing you a photo album of their holiday snaps - not of much interest without them talking you through what some of the shots actually mean.

For this reason, I went on to the idea of this thread, the concept being, not just that I can post shots from our gallery, using the bbcodes offered, but also, that I can tell you some of our history that they trigger memories of to me.

One other practical use I envisage of this thread, is that any shots submitted by the clan can then be incorporated by me into the gallery.

If you do not wish to have your shot submitted to the gallery, please make a note of that when submitting.

To kick things off, I figured, "let's take it back to the oldskool" - GTA3:

These shots are of a glitch I found, back in the day, where I was still able to control the dodo during a desync, even though I wasn't inside it. The flames you see are after it caught fire from being upside down so much. Kinda like controlling an RC plane... it's a shame Rockstar didn't incorporate this as an actual feature - remote control of vehicles while watching from the ground proves quite the challenge.

Planes were quite the addictive thing in GTA3 - the handling on them made it quite a challenge at first, just to keep the thing in the air. As the fastest method of transport in GTA3, the dodo was a quick way to scope out where everyone was and what they were doing, or just spectate from above, as was my custom... The models, as you can see, weren't as advanced nor many, but the handling was really what made you come back for more.

The clan scene was very active in GTA3 - back then, there was a central forums for all clans - gangsofgta... lately I've been considering getting alw/phs/drug working on reintroducing a similar, central site for clan forums & interaction.

"But my head's all messed up, so you better driive brother"
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