[DRuG]Elite is one of the original oldskool - having been with DRuG since our original days predating teamspeak. Since the early days, he was the one you could rely on to always have that elusive link to software you'd been hunting for days for, supplying server hosts when you hadn't quite realized how badly you needed one.. being a housemate when you hadn't quite realized you're losing one.. being the life of teamspeak when you hadn't quite noticed you didn't have one.. a guy nobody should take for granted, really, he's part of the core essence of what makes DRuG the special crew we are.
On behalf of all at DRuG, I hope it's a great day for Elite.. in fact, he's coming over to my place tonight to party it up - if anyone else wants to drop over too, Grish will also be over.. just get in touch with one of us.