I am not an ordinary alchemist The cycle of life only goes one direction, not even alchemy can change that. It's been a good while since I've killed anyone, I kinda miss it. Ya wanna watch?
Apologies you beat me to it - I've been a bit distracted with thinking about the house move etc.. not watching the forums as closely as usual.
For those not aware - [SiK]Full_Metal is an oldskool mta racer from one of DRuG's major allies, SiK.
You may encounter his poetry on here or AGS - he's becoming quite the wordsmith (as can be seen here with his eloquent spelling). Also lately to be seen in AGS's SAMP server, Full_Metal is a pleasure to race alongside - good competition.
ty nikt for those kind words, the only reason i wrote it like that cuz its how spink use to say happy bday to me, and seeing as he is no longer apart of us, i needed to do it
I am not an ordinary alchemist The cycle of life only goes one direction, not even alchemy can change that. It's been a good while since I've killed anyone, I kinda miss it. Ya wanna watch?
[DRuG]NikT wrote:Nah I was just poking a bit of innocent phun.. have a great Bday dude.. hope u get heaps of cool shiz.
i noes that, i hope i get some cool shiz to, im gettin a groove in the moo ticket i think, but not sure
I am not an ordinary alchemist The cycle of life only goes one direction, not even alchemy can change that. It's been a good while since I've killed anyone, I kinda miss it. Ya wanna watch?
i dot guitar hero 2 instead of the ticket, any one know how to get the x-plorer guitar to work on a 360????
I am not an ordinary alchemist The cycle of life only goes one direction, not even alchemy can change that. It's been a good while since I've killed anyone, I kinda miss it. Ya wanna watch?