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Allow me to paint you a picture...

Postby [DK]Vectra16V on Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:05 am

Imagin six chimpanzees, all with yellow hardhats, standing at the side of the road somewhere outside a province to Odense (biggest city here).
You with me so far? Good, one of them is resting his chin on a shovel trying not to fall asleep, but yet another one just did in the companycar with a tiny yellow beacon on the roof, struggeling to stay lit because its been on all day.
Oh here come the leaderchimp, hes got a voltmeter in his hands, turning the little knob left and right, scratching the top of his head almost like he is wondering what that thing in his hand does. Entering from behind the companycar the 4th chimp comes out, walks straight to the leaderchimp and turn the little knob left and right, just like the leaderchimp just did. (monkey see, monkey do)
Anyway the two remaing chimps are squating at a transformerstation, both of them got a voltmeter in theire hands, they both have glasses and looks to be the smart chimps in the bunch. But noo just as you thought they knew what they were doing, they almost in sync turn the little knob left and right, while looking at each other as if to say "Do you know what you are doing?" "No I thought you knew!"

All this is taking place as im on my way home from work, no one forced me to watch it, but its hard to get around the companycars trailer, which is parked at a 90degree angle out onto the road.
The six little chimps with hardhats havent fixed the problem yet, causing the power to surge randomly making the safetyrelay in my house to shut off, how hard can it be to set up a power transformer, well its a challenge for the 6 little chimps...
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Re: Allow me to paint you a picture...

Postby JabbaTheSlut on Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:07 am

Dude, I think you want to lay of the LSD.
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Re: Allow me to paint you a picture...

Postby [DRuG]Stijger on Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:02 am

Oeehh love the image, good luck with it dude. And don't lisen to Jabba, cause love the way you described it. ;)
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Re: Allow me to paint you a picture...

Postby [DRuG]NikT on Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:48 pm

You were saying the other night someone bombed a ministry in Norway?

Maybe that's what these guys were plotting & executing? Perhaps it's all part of their master plan to reduce your FPS? :evilgrin:

Also, to be fair, Chimps are really intelligent [evilmonkey]

Let's keep it real and just refer to them as public service workers.. the kind that it takes 4 to dig a hole: 3 to stand round watching, 1 to do a bad job executing it so the others have something to criticize.

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Re: Allow me to paint you a picture...

Postby [DK]Vectra16V on Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:41 am

Not public workers, the powersuppliers here are private, called EL-SAM, its a sistercompany to my internetprovider.
Anyways as I was sitting there waiting for them to remove the trailer, the guy on the radio was talking about 6 new chimps that was donated to a Zoo nearby... So my imagination just took over... :)
Btw, the power here is still glitchy, causing the relay to shut of a totally random times during the day, or in the middle of "Big bang theory" whitch im trying to record and keep on DVD grrr
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