DRuG MTA Race 1.1.x mIRC scripts now running in linux!

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DRuG MTA Race 1.1.x mIRC scripts now running in linux!

Postby [DRuG]NikT on Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:33 am

This is something I've been wanting to do for quite some time.. get the last remaining windows box (except for my XP x64 gaming rig) outta the house. It's the MTA Race 1.1.x mIRC bot server.. the thing that maintains all the records and stuff.. uses a Microsoft only IRC client - mIRC... until now I hadn't bothered trying to run it under linux/xwindows, since I figured WINE (the windows emulator that allows you to run some x32 applications) would hog all the system's resources.

But now we have a 2.2GHz linux server running xwindows...

The other night, I bit the bullet and reimaged the primary drive of the XP x32 mIRC box with linux - Debian lenny i686.. now I've installed WINE, unzipped the mIRC scripts - Aeron's MTAma and [UVA]Scooby's PRS.. and they run perfectly!!!

So our mta race server finally has stable scripts again, without the need for an unstable OS to launch them on :ugeek: Given they're on the same LAN as the race server, the list of ~420 maps is being maintained by it... just... though, overall.. including the mtadm nightly build server, xwindows, wine & mirc, the total CPU usage is only 5% on average.

MTA Race 1.1.x Scripts for MTAma by Aeron
PRS by [UVA]Scooby
Emulated under Debian linux i686 (lenny) using WINE

"But my head's all messed up, so you better driive brother"
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