LGSL Game Monitor

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LGSL Game Monitor

Postby [DRuG]NikT on Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:13 pm

Currently working on the LGSL game monitor - seeing what v5 has to offer and how hard the upgrade will be - in the meantime, the server list will be down, as the new version uses the same database name.. so I've had to move the existing one to a temp name while I test. [mrgreen]

*edit* Annd we're successfully now on version 5 with no issues so far. I updated the icon to match in photoshop myself. :ugeek:

*edit* There are issues with 5.0 and MTA, I've logged the problem on GreyCube's forums and I'm switching back to 4.6 in the meantime. :(

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Re: LGSL Game Monitor

Postby Mawson on Sun Mar 22, 2009 8:30 pm

awwww, cant wait till it works fully : :mrgreen:
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Re: LGSL Game Monitor

Postby [DRuG]NikT on Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:48 am

nikt @ greycube.com wrote:Sun Mar 22 2009, 05:38PM

Now first of all, I know my version appears very customized, but you will also find this error exhibited on the
vanilla unmodded version...

4.6 showing the server:

now 5.0:

Note I had to kinda collage two images in photoshop to make the 4.6 appear in the forum frame, but the goal
was to show that 4.6 is showing the player list right.

The two versions are online at:
4.6: http://nikt.zog.net.au/lgsl/
and 5.0: http://nikt.zog.net.au/lgsl5/lgsl/

Player lists appear fine in samp, however, in MultiTheft Auto, they appear garbled...

Rich @ greycube.com wrote:Thu Apr 16 2009, 03:37PM

I have now started work on 5.1, and you are correct, thankyou for posting the problem so clearly.

Here is an early copy of the fix:

http://www.greycube.com/help/lgsl_5.x/l ... _beta1.zip

Noiiiice... I'll install this one on the weekend.

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Re: LGSL Game Monitor

Postby [DRuG]NikT on Sat May 02, 2009 2:51 pm

HAH! it was only a matter of copying one file into the install I have there already!

If I had of realized, I woulda done it the moment I saw the update.

Installed... but all the MTA servers are empty, sigh -- Murphys' Law - now I can't test...

Let's live on the edge - I'm gonna install it onto the forums anyway - YAY! LGSL 5.0 prebeta working with MTA!! [mrgreen]

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