Criss Angel Mod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Criss Angel Mod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby R0ck_S()lid on Sat Dec 20, 2008 7:21 am

Hey Guys!!!

I know i'm new to these forums BUT!!
I'm developing a Criss Angel mod and I want some coders (and mission builders) and some modellers to get this idea running! So if you wana join up and want to have a look at what you could be involved in, just read the jobs below:

- Coders:
- Make missions, e.g make them as if you have to do performances in front of people, film a show, etc
- Make new key combinations, so you can levitate, teleport etc....

- Modellers
- Make a 3d Criss angel model (I will give you a brief on what to do, what he should look like etc..)
- Make/Remake the Vice City Map so it has landmarks such as The Luxor Hotel, The Alladin(?) and make it so it kinda looks like Los Angeles....

Just remember you don't have to do everything in your chosen catagory!! :geek: :geek:
If you want to be involved:

PM me (not usually the fastest method)
email me at:
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Re: Criss Angel Mod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby R0ck_S()lid on Sun Mar 22, 2009 6:05 pm

Hey dudes!
since no-one has taken interest in this i have decided to move onto an Iron Man mod!
I am currently making the model as i write but i just need some coders to make "Iron Man" fly, have super strength and be invulnerable to bullets etc..
if anyone wants to step forward and make sure this projects can "lift off the ground"!!(nice pun eh?)i would be more then great full

IRON MAN awaits!
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