For those not aware, Just Cause 2 Multiplayer is currently having a week long public beta test - the client is available for download now @
http://www.jc-mp.comInitially just a weekend test of a polished beta with race, factions, a money + shop framework and a stack of other stuff working, the test has been extended to a full 7 days.
Be sure to check it out... the money you earn and stats you build are persistent, meaning, things you buy will still be there when you reconnect to the server at a later time.
Reading over my earlier posts, I note I have, at this stage, only credited Trix and Jax... many other DRuG members are also involved in the project, and their credit should also be added to the initial post.. I'll do that later tonight in a separate, new post that covers the progress of the project, who's been involved and try and build a good set of links to jc2mp resources on the web.