Disable bloom effect and blur:
Can't be done in-game, must be modded manually.
Thanks to the heavy layers of protection incorporated into GTAIV, any change to the files will terminate the game on start up. So you have to trick it into thinking the files are unchanged.
Follow these instructions carefully:
- Extract magic.bat to your main GTAIV folder, same as GTA_IV.EXE
- Run magic.bat - This batch will allow you to modify the game files without causing the game to terminate on start up.
- Navigate to "Grand Theft Auto IV\common\data\" folder and locate "visualSettings.dat"
- Open it with Wordpad in order to change graphics settings.
To disable bloom and blur:
- Open "visualSettings.dat"
- Find "#Config Values for Camera Events Val start Val End MB start MB End"
- Change all the values to zeros - if the value is 10.00 change it to 0.00 and so on... this will disable blur with camera movements.
- Then you'll find "# Misc Values"...
- Same as above, change all the values to zero EXCEPT FOR THESE LINES then save:
- Code: Select all
misc.Multiplier.heightStart 100
misc.Multiplier.heightEnd 250.00
Don't forget to save the file

To force-disable vertical sync:
- Create a txt file and name it "commandline.txt"
- Paste the following & save to your GTA IV directory (same directory with GTAIV.exe):
- Code: Select all
-percentvidmem 100
(This will disable memory restrictions, Vsync, and precache of resources).
Still not satisfied with the framerates? To set it to absolute lowest quality, add these lines to your "commandline.txt":
- Code: Select all
-renderquality 0
-shadowdensity 0
-texturequality 0
-viewdistance 0
-detailquality 0
Save... Play... Enjoy!
After you are sure the game is running fast and smooth enough, start modifying the in-game graphics settings and increase resolution, texture details, etc as long as it doesn't cause any lag.