Released Sept. 24th at (resources central):

This is animated if you have a half decent browser.. if not.. face it. wrote:Colour by [DRuG]NikT -
Based on Colorlights by eXo|SpeedY
Released with full permission from Speedy - thanks mate!
/colour 0-255 0-255 0-255 0-126 0-126 0-126 0-126
eg. For aqua headlights and a black car..
/colour 0 142 102 0 0 0 0
- the first 3 are the light's RGB, then the 4 GTA car colours
- only the first two are used by most cars
- blank fields become a random colour
/colour - Toggle random light and car colours
/drug - Purple Lights (102, 51, 255) black/pink/white/purple car
/disco - Lights randomly change colour on black/white car
/discocar - Lights and car colour change rapidly like KWOW.
With full permission from Speedy, I have taken his colorlights v2.5 mod and added lots more code.
This new mod from it, called "colour", manages the "Timer" threads better - cleans them up as the player leaves.
The only time errors now appear in the console is when switching between race rounds and when a player is dead awaiting respawn.. I am sure there's some kind of check I will eventually find to remove these errors, too.. but at this stage, it's still cleaner than it was.
It works between rounds, re-checking the player vehicle and re-applying the lights after map changes. All toggles work on each other, so /drug can disable /colour etc.
I have added support for daytime lights, using the lightsoverride function, also added randomizing car colours, like the lights, using /discocar.
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