Alright, here's 1.4 finally. This uses a single SQLite database instead of an alar folder. You need the
Whirlpool plugin now (version 1.0 included), bad things will happen without it.
There's a filterscript to update from 1.3 (alar_update), only bans, suspensions, the whitelist, gamemodes and settings are imported. Aliases are stored in a new format so they can't be kept, admins can't be kept because passwords now use Whirlpool instead of MD5.
There's a filterscript to edit the database from ingame (alar_database):

And a filterscript to merge two databases (alar_merge).
- Added: 3D texts showing the vehicle IDs of alar created vehicles when the /adestroy command is used
- Added: Check for invalid paintjobs
- Added: Check for too many RCON login attempts
- Added: Functions to get a player's/IP's country code/name
- Added: Idle players to /apaused
- Added: Option to hide admin names when banning/suspending from a filterscript/gamemode
- Added: Parameter (command) to /ahelp, to show help about a command
- Added: Parameters "visible" and "current" to the /adestroy command, as well as the ability to delete multiple vehicles at a time "/adestroy 2,3,20-25,8"
- Added: RCON admins are effectively alar admins (of level RCONLevel)
- Added: Sounds to aslap and apunch
- Added: StoreAliases setting
- Added: Support for NPCs (aliases are not saved, cannot be muted/jailed/frozen/desynced/banned/suspended/ejected/brought/dropped/cause a join flood)
- Added: Warnings system (Commands: /awarn, /aunwarn, /awarnings Settings: WarnLimit, WarnProtection, WarnSuspendTime, WarnTimeout, WarnLevel, UnwarnLevel Functions: WarnPlayer, WarnPlayerid)
- Added: When spectating, double click a player from the list to spectate them
- Added: Wildcard support to /akick (WildKickLevel setting)
- Changed: /aban and /asuspend only ban/suspend the player's IP unless a public function (set with SetAlarLoginCheck) returns true
- Changed: /aip and /ainfo default the the player being spectated if no player is entered
- Changed: Accounts created by RCON admins are made to be level RCONLoginLevel
- Changed: All information now stored in a SQL database
- Changed: Commands are processed using a modified zcmd rather than a hardcoded binary tree
- Changed: Exiting spectate mode will put you back in your vehicle and restore your last weapon
- Changed: For commands that take [player name] as a parameter, the name can be enclosed in quotes
- Changed: Going to and bring players will put them/ you in their vehicle/trailer
- Changed: Includes for compiling alar are now in the alar.pwn directory rather than the compiler includes folder
- Changed: Log keys now enabled by default
- Changed: Repairing a vehicle to full health fixes model damage
- Changed: Temporary mutes/jails/freezes are saved
- Changed: The options $(DATE) and $(TIME) for ban messages have been replaced with $(DATETIME), which is in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
- Changed: Use Whirlpool instead of MD5 for hashes (requires Whirlpool plugin, version 1.0 included)
- Removed: Length limit for reasons (ban/mute etc)
- Removed: Option to show personal messages to admins
- Removed: Vehicle model limit check