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Re: I am a consumer whore

Windows Vista Ultimate: GTA:SA should work out of the box... Windows Vista Home Premium: From my experience, it works out of the box, for some others, you may have to test different compatibility settings. Try setting Windows XP. If that doesn't work, try all the others. You can find the settings i...
by [DRuG]KillFrenzy
on Wed Nov 21, 2007 5:41 pm
Forum: Tech & PC Chat
Topic: I am a consumer whore
Replies: 21
Views: 22799

Re: - Compare your link to ours

LOL! Wow nice photo-shopping skills Smallo! :o
by [DRuG]KillFrenzy
on Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:08 pm
Forum: Tech & PC Chat
Topic: - Compare your link to ours
Replies: 160
Views: 171321

Re: - Compare your link to ours

Wow, now thats fast. Probaly a 100 Mbit connection? I wonder what happens when you work for an ISP and test the speed of their internet at work. 8-)
by [DRuG]KillFrenzy
on Tue Nov 20, 2007 5:14 pm
Forum: Tech & PC Chat
Topic: - Compare your link to ours
Replies: 160
Views: 171321

Re: [alr] forums

The ALR Forums have a new host now, since the old one is way too slow. The new host is
Enjoy! (You haven't added the banner yet - or do you need banner graphics?)
by [DRuG]KillFrenzy
on Sun Nov 18, 2007 9:22 pm
Forum: Gaming Chat
Topic: [alr] forums
Replies: 10
Views: 15521

Re: Welkom 2 da DRuG [alr]Legham

Ahh, welcome at last Legham! So many [alr] / [DRuG] dual memberships :)
by [DRuG]KillFrenzy
on Sat Nov 17, 2007 2:26 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Welkom 2 da DRuG [alr]Legham
Replies: 6
Views: 8379

Re: - Compare your link to ours

Ahh, your cap speed must be like 256/256k on TPG - high end internet on TPG is capped at that speed. My cap speed is 64/128k so my upload is twice as fast :)

Demiveil, you need an internet with more download if you cap it in the first few days lol.
by [DRuG]KillFrenzy
on Thu Nov 15, 2007 4:11 pm
Forum: Tech & PC Chat
Topic: - Compare your link to ours
Replies: 160
Views: 171321

Re: - Compare your link to ours

Nice.. ADSL2+ from TPG exists in my area, but the exchange is almost 3 km away from my house.. does that result in about 6 to 7 Mbps downstream? Still fast, thats like 600 KB/s.
by [DRuG]KillFrenzy
on Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:57 am
Forum: Tech & PC Chat
Topic: - Compare your link to ours
Replies: 160
Views: 171321

Re: - Compare your link to ours

Wow, I'm on 512/128, I want ADSL2+ with TPG! ;) My score: A Retry - almost the same thing [SUSS] It's hard to believe that TPG's ADSL2+ upload can be faster than my download :x
by [DRuG]KillFrenzy
on Tue Nov 13, 2007 7:38 pm
Forum: Tech & PC Chat
Topic: - Compare your link to ours
Replies: 160
Views: 171321

Re: Funniest news item I've read in a long, long while.

Holy!! How did they come up with recycling used condoms in the first place? Used tyre's would be much better :?
by [DRuG]KillFrenzy
on Tue Nov 13, 2007 7:34 pm
Forum: General Chat (Off-Topic)
Topic: Funniest news item I've read in a long, long while.
Replies: 4
Views: 4936

Re: [alr] forums

Welcome to the DRuG'ies Legham :P
by [DRuG]KillFrenzy
on Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:40 am
Forum: Gaming Chat
Topic: [alr] forums
Replies: 10
Views: 15521

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