Welkom 2 da DRuG [alr]Legham

[DRuG]NikT (17 Nov 2007 01:53 pm)
[alr]Legham has been associating with the crew for years now, if my memory serves me correctly, since the MTA Vice City days.

As part of [alr] - one of the worlds most esteemed GTA clans (for both racing and SAMP), he'll be right at home with the many other members of [alr] that already share dual membership.

It's gonna be great having you as part of the crew Legham - thanks for joining!


Congrats Legham.
Glad you finally made it.
[DRuG]Grish (17 Nov 2007 04:20 pm)

yay ham!
[DRuG]Widgit (24 Nov 2007 12:05 am)

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