DRuG Special Forces: Expansion to new games

[DRuG]NikT (02 Mar 2005 03:15 am)
While waiting for the release of MTA Blue and San Andreas, DRuG have remained on teamspeak quite actively, lately more on a private server run by [DRuG]Zidane. In this time we have become regular in quite a number of multiplayer games.. in some of them even still carrying the DRuG tag, and developing mods like player/vehicle skins and trainers.

As a result, I am going to try and expand the drug web to include some of these games, this way people can see some of the action, plus get some of the mods we've been developing.

The list of common games DRuG can be found in lately includes HalfLife 2, Flight Sim 2004 (complete with a full set of DRuG Transit liveries), Counter Strike, World of Warcraft and most notably as of tonight, Flat Out Online - this game is much like MTA, an addon to an initially only LAN multiplayer game. We have all been using it for demolition derbies across the internet with impressively smooth results.

A review of Flat Out can be found at RealGamer, or just check out the screenshots below:

For those on a faster link wanting to get a better idea of the game, a 67Mb video can be found on the Flat Out forums by clicking here - worth chekking their forums out at any rate.

Refresh regularly.. I should be adding download and gallery areas over the coming weeks.

nice graphic

yay ! first comment
[HW]Anonymous (03 Mar 2005 12:01 am)

weee, can i download that game? i hate paying cool
SoBeit (05 Mar 2005 10:32 am)

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