Welkom 2 da DRuG Llama, Frog, M0rgzy & Sk0t!!!
[DRuG]NikT (15 Sep 2009 02:16 am)
In the order I received their member bios, I present to you DRuG's latest 4 recruits.. all long term friends on AGS's SAMP, they have also hung with the DRuG crew for quite some time in this space.
Llama, previously from [LE] has been a long time deathmatch player & general cruiser on AGS' SAMP server. From his early days he's also played on DRuG's GTA servers, while recently spending a lot of time on Teamspeak with myself and a few of the crew. It's a pleasure to finally have him aboard - welcome.
Frog can also be found with me on Teamspeak, offering his chill words and fun vibe to AGS' SAMP - he's a great member of the community & one I'm sure will get along well with the DRuG.. great to have you aboard.
M0rgzy has been developing clans & visiting our servers for about as long as DRuG's been around, and another key ingredient to the AGS samp & Teamspeak servers.. his clan, ]DR[, has also been around about as long, recently taking new shape and recruiting some incredibly talented people.. namely, Me & Mouldy
(yes, you heard it right, NikT is now a member of 3 clans - [DRuG] [AGS] and ]DR[... woohoo. Morgzy, much like Mouldy, are often the calm voice in the storm when NikT is raging.. honestly, some days, I don't know what I'd do without them both. Wicked to finally have you in DRuG Mr M0gz!
Sk0t, also part of the rocksteady crew on AGS Teamspeak, has to be playing GTA just about any time you look.. his skills extend to IRC scripting, fiddling with GTA servers and even a healthy dose of deathmatching on AGS SAMP - I look forward to watching his progress through GTASA to GTAIV - I expect we have ourselves a talented one, here.. Sk0t - I'm honored & glad you chose to join us - enjoy.
In summary, I'd love to say this intake I have a really good feeling about - these guys are gonna fit in & do really well - but hey - I've felt that way about most of you guys - and been right.. we're so lucky to have such an awesome crew - I love you guyys.

In other news, DRuG now have a dedicated Teamspeak & GTA server (samp 0.2x, 0.3beta & MTADM 1.0) - running out of a fast data centre in Queensland, thanks to the very generous [DRuG]Elite, who also offers very well priced hosting (some packages with me maintaining the servers and offering linux support) for anyone interested, look him up @
Thanks [DRuG]Elite!!
AGS have just moved their forums to a new host, with my assistance, moving the databases for them & now helping run their new dedicated linux server, running out of a datacentre in Melbourne, this, together with DRuG's server, represents a massive increase in the resources hosted locally by the community. This works well with our current projects involving developing a global statistics network for our GTA server scripts, which will result in the emergence of some pretty detailed ladders and other competition within what we hope will become a more global GTA community. If your clan has servers and would like to be involved in this project, post me a private message on the DRuG forums or add me to msn - nnnikt@gmail.com.
Pay particular note to the fact AGS have now dropped the "-" from their address, which is now http://www.aussiegameserver.com.
CJA forums and SAMP server forms another large part of the Australian GTA community, where DRuG members including [DRuG]Silky, [DRuG]EvilGnomes and [DRuG]Slick can be found, they've also received my attentions recently - I've just installed RSS, Reputation, AutoMod and HTML newsletter mods onto their phpBB forums.. it's great to finally contribute to such an awesome bunch of people - the CJA crew have been a pleasure to work with.
Exciting times!! DRuG it up ppls!!!
Llama, previously from [LE] has been a long time deathmatch player & general cruiser on AGS' SAMP server. From his early days he's also played on DRuG's GTA servers, while recently spending a lot of time on Teamspeak with myself and a few of the crew. It's a pleasure to finally have him aboard - welcome.
Frog can also be found with me on Teamspeak, offering his chill words and fun vibe to AGS' SAMP - he's a great member of the community & one I'm sure will get along well with the DRuG.. great to have you aboard.
M0rgzy has been developing clans & visiting our servers for about as long as DRuG's been around, and another key ingredient to the AGS samp & Teamspeak servers.. his clan, ]DR[, has also been around about as long, recently taking new shape and recruiting some incredibly talented people.. namely, Me & Mouldy
![[mrgreen] [mrgreen]](./images/smilies/mrgreen.gif)
Sk0t, also part of the rocksteady crew on AGS Teamspeak, has to be playing GTA just about any time you look.. his skills extend to IRC scripting, fiddling with GTA servers and even a healthy dose of deathmatching on AGS SAMP - I look forward to watching his progress through GTASA to GTAIV - I expect we have ourselves a talented one, here.. Sk0t - I'm honored & glad you chose to join us - enjoy.
In summary, I'd love to say this intake I have a really good feeling about - these guys are gonna fit in & do really well - but hey - I've felt that way about most of you guys - and been right.. we're so lucky to have such an awesome crew - I love you guyys.

In other news, DRuG now have a dedicated Teamspeak & GTA server (samp 0.2x, 0.3beta & MTADM 1.0) - running out of a fast data centre in Queensland, thanks to the very generous [DRuG]Elite, who also offers very well priced hosting (some packages with me maintaining the servers and offering linux support) for anyone interested, look him up @
Thanks [DRuG]Elite!!
AGS have just moved their forums to a new host, with my assistance, moving the databases for them & now helping run their new dedicated linux server, running out of a datacentre in Melbourne, this, together with DRuG's server, represents a massive increase in the resources hosted locally by the community. This works well with our current projects involving developing a global statistics network for our GTA server scripts, which will result in the emergence of some pretty detailed ladders and other competition within what we hope will become a more global GTA community. If your clan has servers and would like to be involved in this project, post me a private message on the DRuG forums or add me to msn - nnnikt@gmail.com.
Pay particular note to the fact AGS have now dropped the "-" from their address, which is now http://www.aussiegameserver.com.
CJA forums and SAMP server forms another large part of the Australian GTA community, where DRuG members including [DRuG]Silky, [DRuG]EvilGnomes and [DRuG]Slick can be found, they've also received my attentions recently - I've just installed RSS, Reputation, AutoMod and HTML newsletter mods onto their phpBB forums.. it's great to finally contribute to such an awesome bunch of people - the CJA crew have been a pleasure to work with.
Exciting times!! DRuG it up ppls!!!
MTADM 1.0 Nightly Build server installed
[DRuG]NikT (08 Aug 2009 03:17 pm)
With MTADM 1.0 approaching the final for 1.0 release, [DRuG]Killfrenzy has been working a lot on his FDM server mode specially designed for it. Since it, too, is approaching release, DRuG found a need for a server to test, while AGS, through [DRuG](/[AGS])Mouldy, have sponsored a new dedicated Australian server to host the new MTADM nightly builds and [DRuG]Killfrenzy's mode.
To support this, I will be compiling the nightly builds as they are released, then updating both the AGS and DRuG servers accordingly.
To obtain the latest client and data files required to play, pop over to
In other news, [DRuG]Dabombber has just updated ALAR to 1.3.
Click here to download now.
Woo new ALAR!! Enjoy the approach to MTADM 1.0 final folks!

To support this, I will be compiling the nightly builds as they are released, then updating both the AGS and DRuG servers accordingly.
To obtain the latest client and data files required to play, pop over to
In other news, [DRuG]Dabombber has just updated ALAR to 1.3.
- Added: (amount) parameter to /arepair, requires player parameter to be entered
- Added: /acarcolour command
- Added: /aipupdate command
- Added: /aspectating command
- Added: Additonal RCON commands
- Added: Chat history for joining players (/ahistory)
- Added: Enabled going to a player from spec using the look behind key (requires agoto privlages)
- Added: OnAlarInit() and OnAlarExit() callbacks, and GetAlarVersion() function
- Added: Option to check for invalid vehicle mods (CHECKMODS compile setting)
- Added: Option to enable extra spectate views (ExtraSpecViews INI setting)
- Added: Players in the server who are immune to the ping kicker can be viewed with the /aimmune command
- Added: Spectate HUD setting is saved
- Added: SuspendPlayer() and BanPlayer() functions
- Added: Whitelist from range bans (/awhitelist /aunwhitelist)
- Changed: /asetname and /aloginas so banned or suspended names cannot be used
- Changed: How admins spawn from spec (added SetSpawnType() function) and how jailed players spawn
- Changed: Locahost and LAN IP address no longer show as Unknown
- Changed: Players with the same IP as a player banned or suspended with /aban or /asuspend are kicked from the server (KickAllIPs INI setting)
- Changed: Ranges bans/suspensions can have a different message (RangeBanMsg/RangeSuspensionMsg INI settings)
- Changed: Spectating admins will view the closest player in their virtual world if their current player dies (with no killer) or leaves
- Changed: The ping kicker can now be disabled by setting the max ping to 0 or less
- Fixed: Added password length check to RCON account creation
- Fixed: Join textdraws not appearing for joining players
- Fixed: Restricted spawning where you look in free spec to only admins who can right click teleport
- Fixed: Set virtual world and interior of passengers when using /agoto and /abring
Click here to download now.
Woo new ALAR!! Enjoy the approach to MTADM 1.0 final folks!

Any Last Administrative Requests
[DRuG]NikT (15 May 2009 12:10 am)
This mod is now into it's second revision, and one of DRuG's more epic releases in the San Andreas era, so I felt perhaps I should make an announcement about it, such that it doesn't get missed.
Giving us the ability to manage SAMP servers, delegate admins, use advanced admin scripting etc that is not shipped as part of samp, but expected to be within whatever modes the server runs, ALAR is an essential part of any busy SAMP server.
Much like but a totally different beast to [UVA]Scooby's PRS for MTA Race administration, this spells epic things for samp servers.
New in version 1.2, which has just been released:
* Fixed background alpha in admin logs
* Changed so using 0 as the colour uses the default colour
* Changed /aflip to put out the fires on vehicles
* Fixed newline in reason when unsuspending/unbanning
* Multiple adminchat prefixes now possible using | as a seperator eg) "@|#|//"
* Fixed ban/suspend messages not showing with some gamemodes using YSF
* Added "Admins Spectating" to /asinfo
* Added "paused" to spec hud
* Added log message when a permanently muted/jailed/frozen player joins
* Fixed the spectate HUD so it updates when /asetname is used
* Added /alog to toggle admin log keys enabled and to change the log page
Click here to download now
This is is framework upon which AGS's SAMP server is based, responsible for the fantastic community they have there.
AWESOME WORK [DRuG]Dabombber!!!

Giving us the ability to manage SAMP servers, delegate admins, use advanced admin scripting etc that is not shipped as part of samp, but expected to be within whatever modes the server runs, ALAR is an essential part of any busy SAMP server.
Much like but a totally different beast to [UVA]Scooby's PRS for MTA Race administration, this spells epic things for samp servers.
New in version 1.2, which has just been released:
* Fixed background alpha in admin logs
* Changed so using 0 as the colour uses the default colour
* Changed /aflip to put out the fires on vehicles
* Fixed newline in reason when unsuspending/unbanning
* Multiple adminchat prefixes now possible using | as a seperator eg) "@|#|//"
* Fixed ban/suspend messages not showing with some gamemodes using YSF
* Added "Admins Spectating" to /asinfo
* Added "paused" to spec hud
* Added log message when a permanently muted/jailed/frozen player joins
* Fixed the spectate HUD so it updates when /asetname is used
* Added /alog to toggle admin log keys enabled and to change the log page
Click here to download now
This is is framework upon which AGS's SAMP server is based, responsible for the fantastic community they have there.
AWESOME WORK [DRuG]Dabombber!!!

Board3 Portal installed on forums
[DRuG]NikT (05 May 2009 10:53 pm)
I don't usually report installing new mods here - I've also chilled out on the birthday news, since it's covered quite enough by the forums.
As such, the news posted here is kinda reserved lately for the epic shtuffs.. of which, I have to say, DRuG's new portal is one such case.
Allowing a fast overview of our forums, the portal offers:
- statistics on the board, it's members, top posters & much more
- RSS syndicated news in both directions
- analog clock & calendar
- menu bars to access all areas of the board
- previews of games available in the arcade
- video block
- popular threads
- recent posts with the ability to read them right on the portal
- summary of upcoming and current member birthdays
- details on a random member & their avatar
- overview of recent file attachments available for download
- list of all registered DRuG members & the admin team
- DRuG server info with live player list
- paypal donation form
- "link to us" html code
- many more features & blocks being added over time
Click here to check it out now
Enjoy ppls!
As such, the news posted here is kinda reserved lately for the epic shtuffs.. of which, I have to say, DRuG's new portal is one such case.
Allowing a fast overview of our forums, the portal offers:
- statistics on the board, it's members, top posters & much more
- RSS syndicated news in both directions
- analog clock & calendar
- menu bars to access all areas of the board
- previews of games available in the arcade
- video block
- popular threads
- recent posts with the ability to read them right on the portal
- summary of upcoming and current member birthdays
- details on a random member & their avatar
- overview of recent file attachments available for download
- list of all registered DRuG members & the admin team
- DRuG server info with live player list
- paypal donation form
- "link to us" html code
- many more features & blocks being added over time
Click here to check it out now
Enjoy ppls!

Victorian bushfires & how to help
[DRuG]NikT (09 Feb 2009 06:58 pm)
By now most of you will be aware of the tragic circumstances that have evolved over the weekend as a result of the uncontrolled forest fires that have ravaged much of rural Victoria. Not only has there been unprecedented loss of life and property, but even people who have not been directly affected have been severely traumatised by the impact on family, colleagues and friends as detailed in the graphic news reports of these events. This comes after some weeks of severe heat, and disrupted transport and power services.
I would like to offer my personal condolences to anyone who has sustained personal loss in the tragedy, and urge that we work together to address the impact that the fires have had on our community. One example of how you can contribute, is to not make light of what, for many people, may involve the loss of a family member or home.
Monetary Donations
You can make a donation to the Bushfire Fund via credit card by visiting the Red Cross website or by phoning 1800 811 700. Donations over $2 are tax deductible.
Donations of Goods
The Red Cross is not requesting or accepting donations of goods at this time. The Federal Government is making funds available to the families and communities affected to enable them to purchase emergency supplies.
The Red Cross is compiling a list of people who have registered their interest to volunteer, however they are not yet in a position to utilise this list. We encourage people interested in volunteering to await further information before contacting any agencies.
Much respect to those who have already made donations, new information about ways to help will be posted as it comes to hand.
At this point, please join me in keeping in your thoughts the families and communities affected, as well as the emergency services and humanitarian agencies who are working hard to combat continuing bushfires and coordinate critical relief efforts.
By now most of you will be aware of the tragic circumstances that have evolved over the weekend as a result of the uncontrolled forest fires that have ravaged much of rural Victoria. Not only has there been unprecedented loss of life and property, but even people who have not been directly affected have been severely traumatised by the impact on family, colleagues and friends as detailed in the graphic news reports of these events. This comes after some weeks of severe heat, and disrupted transport and power services.
I would like to offer my personal condolences to anyone who has sustained personal loss in the tragedy, and urge that we work together to address the impact that the fires have had on our community. One example of how you can contribute, is to not make light of what, for many people, may involve the loss of a family member or home.
Monetary Donations
You can make a donation to the Bushfire Fund via credit card by visiting the Red Cross website or by phoning 1800 811 700. Donations over $2 are tax deductible.
Donations of Goods
The Red Cross is not requesting or accepting donations of goods at this time. The Federal Government is making funds available to the families and communities affected to enable them to purchase emergency supplies.
The Red Cross is compiling a list of people who have registered their interest to volunteer, however they are not yet in a position to utilise this list. We encourage people interested in volunteering to await further information before contacting any agencies.
Much respect to those who have already made donations, new information about ways to help will be posted as it comes to hand.
At this point, please join me in keeping in your thoughts the families and communities affected, as well as the emergency services and humanitarian agencies who are working hard to combat continuing bushfires and coordinate critical relief efforts.
Happy 21st [DRuG]Dabombber
[DRuG]NikT (26 Jan 2009 12:52 am)
As a member of the very well respected [alr] clan, [DRuG]Dabombber is another classic example of what DRuG's all about - with skillz making scripts, admin tools and mods for both MTA and SAMP, he's an essential member of the GTA online community.
Lately I think he's been playing a lot of GTA IV, while I've been levelling in AGS's SA-MP server, which I believe he has contributed a great deal to, as well.
Happy 21st mate - have an awesome one.
![Party [PARTY]](http://nikt.zog.net.au/drugcrew/plugins/phpBB3/images/smilies/icon_party.gif)
Lately I think he's been playing a lot of GTA IV, while I've been levelling in AGS's SA-MP server, which I believe he has contributed a great deal to, as well.
Happy 21st mate - have an awesome one.
![Party [PARTY]](http://nikt.zog.net.au/drugcrew/plugins/phpBB3/images/smilies/icon_party.gif)
![Party [PARTY]](http://nikt.zog.net.au/drugcrew/plugins/phpBB3/images/smilies/icon_party.gif)
![Party [PARTY]](http://nikt.zog.net.au/drugcrew/plugins/phpBB3/images/smilies/icon_party.gif)
![Party [PARTY]](http://nikt.zog.net.au/drugcrew/plugins/phpBB3/images/smilies/icon_party.gif)
![Party [PARTY]](http://nikt.zog.net.au/drugcrew/plugins/phpBB3/images/smilies/icon_party.gif)
Happy Birthday [DRuG]Capsinurass
[DRuG]NikT (15 Jan 2009 01:46 am)
Since joining DRuG, Capsinurass has proved not only a very active member of the GTA community, but a talented and always-at-the-edge developer.. if that be stunting in GTAIV, discovering techniques to push the engine's physics to it's limits, or writing modes and learning MTA's LUA scripting language.
Also as a very active member of our forums community, it really is great having Caps as part of the team - happy birthday, mate - 18th too, ultra-congrats.
In observation of Capsinurass' constant drive forward with new ideas to inspire the clan toward new creations, I present his GTAIV stunt video, recently submitted to our forums - enjoy.
Also as a very active member of our forums community, it really is great having Caps as part of the team - happy birthday, mate - 18th too, ultra-congrats.
In observation of Capsinurass' constant drive forward with new ideas to inspire the clan toward new creations, I present his GTAIV stunt video, recently submitted to our forums - enjoy.
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