A little bit about myself...



I've had a passion for computing since the beginning - my skills cover PC, Mac, linux and most mobile devices in great depth. While I do balance this with other pursuits, a large percentage of my time is spent exploring the modification of games.

I'm the cofounder of a group of around 120 game modders formed in 2003. Our earliest members still contribute, releasing mods that have made front page news on Kotaku and PC Gamer.

We've been involved in the development of Just Cause 2 Multiplayer and Grand Theft Auto San Andreas MultiPlayer - both mods make single player games multiplayer. I also make replacement vehicles for PC games - these modifications are then made available for download by other players.



While I do enjoy a wide range of music including classical, alternative and blues, my main focus is electronica - specifically, minimal.

I write my own music using a MIDI keyboard connected to a computer, using Steinberg Cubase as a sequencer and a stack of different virtual instruments by people like Moog and Novation.

Many of my friends in this field use physical synths and boxes to generate their sounds.. I have a great respect for this but maintain that it should be possible within a computer, allowing you access to all your gear while playing live.


Downhill Skiing

I've only been lucky enough to ski around Australia - this really doesn't compare with elsewhere in the world, but I have been skiing since my early teens.

While at secondary school, I competed in the interschool championships - finished about halfway on the ladder of what was a very competitive field. At Hewlett Packard I competed in the Corporate games, with similar results.

For me, skiing has been more about quality time with friends and family - but I would love to ski in different parts of the world in the future, perhaps Austria and Switzerland.



I've been folding origami since I was quite young.

As a hobby, it really has proved to have many surprises. Often when I'm approached by people I haven't seen in a long time, they explain they had noticed it was me from the folding. Also I find it does have a knack at restoring your inner calm.

I can fold quite a lot of different things like frogs and flowers, which make great random gifts to strangers. I also do a lot of modular origami, which takes a lot longer but looks fantastic.

Add me on MSN Messenger: nnnikt@gmail.com


I can also be found on Facebook - just search for my name and send me a friend request.